In a groundbreaking collaboration with the European Space Agency, Datel AS, a leading Estonian IT company, has unveiled its latest service under development – the "Illegal Construction Detector." This web application utilizes satellite data to identify and monitor unauthorized construction activities in sparsely populated areas across Europe, aiming to alleviate the administrative burden on local governments and promote environmental sustainability.
The Problem
Illegal constructions present significant hazards to both the environment and the occupants of unlawfully built structures. In regions with dispersed populations, municipalities often face challenges in detecting these activities due to limited administrative and financial resources. The conventional approach of relying on on-site inspections by construction supervision specialists is time-consuming and often results in the late-stage identification of illegal constructions. This delays corrective procedures, potentially leading to legal proceedings and demolitions, imposing a substantial burden on local governments.
The Solution
Datel addresses this challenge with its web application, leveraging satellite data for early detection of illegal construction activities. The key functionalities of the application under development include:
- Identification of New Construction Activity: Utilizing open-source Sentinel-1 data and very high-resolution (VHR) private data, the system can identify new construction activity in a targeted area.
- Filtering Unlawful Activities: The application cross-references detected activities with building permits data to filter out unauthorized constructions.
- Notification System: Local government authorities are promptly informed of activities not covered by permits, enabling timely intervention.
- User Interface: The application provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing, exploring, and manipulating data. By automating the detection of new construction activity, the application enables timely monitoring and intervention, reducing the administrative burden associated with illegal buildings.
Datel distinguishes its solution from existing infrastructure monitoring companies by integrating with building registers. The key innovations include the use of machine learning algorithms on satellite data for precise analysis and combining satellite data with building register information for targeted use cases.
European and Local Impacts
The application directly benefits local governments by reducing the administrative burden associated with illegal constructions. Freed-up resources can be redirected to other community tasks, contributing to positive local impacts. Additionally, the system acts as a deterrent against illegal construction activities, indirectly supporting Sustainable Development Goal 11 by making cities more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
The Illegal Construction Detector offers a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional on-site inspections. By leveraging satellite data, the application minimizes the time lapse between original and follow-up images, allowing for the early detection of illegal constructions. This timely intervention not only streamlines administrative processes but also acts as a deterrent against future illegal construction activities. While the cost of legalization activities is not explicitly provided, Datel estimates a significant reduction in administrative work through the use of the Illegal Construction Detector. Even a low-precision detector, producing some false positives, is expected to improve the current situation by reducing the time and resources required for on-site visits.