Tallinn Digital Summit 2024
Tallinn Digital Summit, is the annual event hosted by the Estonian Prime Minister. Event gathers leaders from the world's most digitally innovative countries, international organisations, academia, and the private sector, all of whom play a crucial role in addressing the challenges and shaping the future of digital innovation.
On November 20th, the Estonian ICT Cluster Side Event titled "Shortcuts to a Resilient Digital Society" took place. Datel was among the participating Estonian companies, and our Director of International Operations and Business Development, Aimo Kõva , discussed the important topic of critical infrastructure monitoring based on satellite data and also identifying illegal buildings.
Software Defined Space Conference in Tallinn, 29-31 October 2024
The fourth instalment of the “Software Defined Space Conference” (SDSC) series organized by Enterprise Estonia, Estonian Space Office and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is dedicated to the critical realm of cybersecurity in space.
Oliver Stimmer, Head of Datel's Space Domain, participates in the "AI and Software Defined Space" panel. In addition to discussing the strategic use of AI to tackle complex problems, Oliver highlightes the economic potential of AI solutions and their future applications.
International Astronautical Congress IAC2024 in Milano
We will present the satellite-based remote sensing monitoring services at International Astronautical Congress IAC2024 in Milano.
2017 Datel opened the Space Domain and started cooperation with the European Space Agency. Sille.Space, an international Early Warning System for infrastructure monitoring was launched.
The first space collaboration between the Baltic countries makes satellite data accessible
A consortium consisting of companies and universities from three Baltic countries started the "Earth Observation Baltic Platform" project on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA). The goal of the cooperation project, which will last until May 2025, is the creation of a remote Earth monitoring platform based on European Union satellite data and the integration of various services into it.
According to Urmas Kõll, head of the ICT company Datel, in which Estonia participates in the pan-Baltic consortium, this is another important step in the development of the company's services based on satellite data.
e-Governance Conference eGov2024
We share our experience on building e-governance systems at the e-Governance Conference taking place 22-23 May in Tartu. The conference is organized by the e-Governance Academy (eGA),the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and ESTDEV. e-Governance Conference, has been the world-leading event for digital governance for a decade. It has been a pivotal platform for shaping digital governance strategies and fostering meaningful connections among digital transformation leaders and practitioners.
Disaster Expo Europe 2024
Our team will present remote monitoring services based on satellite data at Disasters Expo Europe Frankurt Messe on May 15-16. Among the 200 industry leading speakers, the Business Development Manager of AS Datel Aimo Kõva takes the stage. Aimo talks about the role of satellite data in disaster management, about practical tools for disaster preparedness and response.
Datel's space team is waiting for you at booth number A22!
Cyprus- Estonia Business Forum, 27th March 2024
Datel AS is honoured to be among the 11 Estonian companies who accompany the President of Estonia Alar Karis at the Cyprus-Estonia Business Forum, 27th March 2024 in Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI).
The aim is to build contacts and develop cooperation between Cypriot companies in order to develop partnerships in the field of innovative technologies.
High-level business visit to Saudi Arabia and Qatar
In the beginning of March, Datel AS had the honor to be part of the high-level official visit of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Information Technology Tiit Riisalu to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Datel was among the Estonian companies presenting their innovative solutions to local ministers and digital and business organizations.