Datel analyzed Metallica concert through SAR eye, using the Early Warning system SILLE
In July 2019, Tartu hosted the world-famous Metallica concert with more than 65,000 visitors. The city decided to seize the opportunity and collect all kind of data around this event and organize Data Science Seminar.
Datel analysed the concert through SAR eye, using Datel’s Early Warning system SILLE. This event is supported by the University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technologies.
Datel will soon be at ITS World Congress 2019 in Singapur!
We look forward to attending and sharing the benefits of Early Warning System SILLE at the Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress 21-25 October in Singapore. ITS is the world’s leading transport technology congress.
This year’s theme is Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities.
Meet us at the Nordic Pavilion No.97!
Datel is proud to take part Tartu-hosted hackathon event of the 2019 NASA International SpaceApps Challenge!
Our space program manager, Andreas Kiik, is honored to be one of the keynote speakers.
Space Apps is an international hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and others in cities around the world, where teams engage with NASA’s free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space. Space Apps 2018 included over 18,000 participants at more than 200 events in 75 countries.
Space Apps Tartu event is organized by The University of Tartu - with its Department of Geography, Institute of Computer Science and Tartu Observatory and the Tartu Science Park.
Datel will attend the Copernicus program 'EYES ON EARTH' roadshow in National Library of Estonia on 3 - 4. October
EASME and the European Commission have launched the Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow – a series of five events across the EU bringing space and Earth observation closer to EU citizens; and raising awareness of the skills and job opportunities in the geospatial industry.
The 'Eyes on Earth' Roadshow lets you explore how satellite information can help improve operational applications such as climate & weather, mobility & transport planning, renewables, air quality, fresh water availability and distribution, smart farming, financial risk management and critical infrastructure.
Estonian companies present digital solutions for the energy industry in Abu Dhabi
/ September 10, 2019. ESTONIAN WORLD
Estonian companies Enefit, Nortal, Datel and Smagrinet will present innovative digital solutions at the World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi on 9-12 September; the Estonian president, Kersti Kaljulaid, will also attend.
With over 150 countries represented, the World Energy Congress is the world’s largest and most influential energy event, covering all aspects of the energy agenda. Kaljulaid will be the keynote speaker at the congress on 10 September and will also participate in a panel discussion, “Getting to grips with the blockchain: Cutting through the hype”.
Datel attends the World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 9 -12
Running since 1924, the triennial World Energy Congress is the World Energy Council’s global flagship event that enables dialogue among Ministers, CEOs and industry experts on critical developments in the energy sector.
Big Data can be very useful in the energy sector. Datelś Early warning system uses data from the European Union’s satellites and can detect the shifts and subsidence of energy sector infrastructure — such as pipelines, mines, dams and different types of power plants — with a precision of up to 1 millimeter. This innovative service helps prevent accidents caused by deterioration of infrastructure and, thus, contributes to the public’s general safety. Early warning system is already in use in the nuclear and hydropower industries in different parts of the world.
CEO of Datel, Urmas Kõlli, attended at World Energy Council Estonia event.
On June 13, 2019, World Energy Council Estonia organized a high-level event on the topic of energy and IT developments. World Energy Council Estonia brought leaders of the energy and IT sectors together in Tallinn for the event called “Estonia: Data Is the New Oil.” The event was focused on using modern technology and IT solutions in the energy sector. How to best exploit different types of data, regularly collected by the energy companies, was the central theme. Estonia is globally known as the front runner in digital solutions. Digitalization also extends to the Estonian electricity market. In fact, Estonia is the first country in the European Union to have full remote reading capabilities and a central data hub where hourly consumption data relating to each client is stored.
Datel is providing InSAR data processing together with the ESA to support FEMA and US Army Corps of Engineers preparedness as Hurricane Dorian approaches the United States
Together with our American partners we are remotely inspecting levee sections, urban areas and sea walls across Florida; and we stand by to do so in other states as the storms track becomes clearer.
Read more about our monitoring service Sille at