In the updated Estonian 3D twin, you can see buildings rising in the neighborhood
The software was developed by Datel's software development team.
"In living environment planning, spatial data is the basis for making better decisions, and their visualization should not be underestimated. The 3D twin is an important helper for this, which brings together different types of spatial data in one view, gives them a context, and thus makes them more understandable for all of us," said Ivo Jaanisoo, Deputy Secretary General for Construction at the Republic of Estonia Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
Meeting with the delegation of the Digital Governance Authority of Saudi Arabia
Datel is one of the Estonian ITL and cluster companies that had the honor to meet the delegation of the Digital Governance Authority of Saudi Arabia led by H.E Governor Ahmed Alsuwaiyan last week. Topics of digital governance were discussed. The event was organized by Enterprize Estonia.
We are developing a new e-services platform for the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority
Datel contributes to making it even easier and faster for companies to apply for business licenses issued by the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA). During the project, we will create the capacity to provide 10 agreed services. The project is part of the transfer of TTJA's service portfolio to a new e-services platform. We also migrate the data and previous versions of the economic activities included in the project from the old database to the new environment.
We present to municipalities remote monitoring services based on satellite data
April 12-13 we will participate in the Days of Cities and Towns, in the conference center of SOKOS Hotel Viru.
We present to municipalities remote monitoring services based on satellite data. The event is organized by the Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalities (AECM) .
Datel developed a new payment software for Eesti Pank
Another successful development project was completed by AS Datel software department - a new software MAAG (Payment Agent) for Eesti Pank | Bank of Estonia which replaced the existing software CAPI (Clients, Accounts and Payment Interface). The project was related to the launch of the Eurosystem's new real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) and central liquidity management tool on 20 March 2023.
This project was initiated by European Central Bank in December 2017 with the aim of harmonizing and integrating TARGET (euro payment system) services for the benefit of Europe’s financial markets and improving cost efficiency. The new system offers enhanced cyber resilience and optimizes the use of liquidity, as participants are able to steer, manage and monitor liquidity in central bank money across all TARGET services.
Space technology helps local governments save money
Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 23.03.2023
Satellite technology is revolutionising the way local governments manage infrastructure, and Estonian IT company Datel AS is at the forefront of this innovation.
Its early warning system, Sille.Space, uses data collected from satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA) to detect ground and infrastructure shifts and subsidences of up to 2-millimetre, providing accurate and timely information for decision-makers.
Tallinn city-planning office’s engineering department has successfully used Sille.Space to analyse its network of height benchmarks, identifying 13 out of 116 benchmarks that require re-leveling, and 6 unstable areas. This has enabled the Geodesy and Land Management Unit in Tallinn’s Urban Planning Department to make well-informed decisions about which parts of the height benchmarks need re-levelling, avoiding unnecessary and large-scale engineering tasks and saving hundreds of thousands of euros in costs.
This week we attend at a remote sensing workshop and working group meetings
This week, Tõnis Oja, AS Datel Space team InSAR specialist is gaining new knowledge at a remote sensing workshop on the geodetic applications of synthetic aperture radar in Espoo, Finland. The workshop is sponsored by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), International Associations of Geodesy (IAG), and Seismology and Physics of Earth's Interior (IASPEI) within IUGG.
The week continues with Working group meetings of the Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG), the Working Group of Geodynamics and Earth Observations (WGGEO), and the Working Group for Height and Geoid (WGHG).
Over 330 Estonian schools got a fast internet connection
A project covering the entire Estonian school network was successfully completed at the end of last week. During the project, Datel's ICT department delivered and installed local area network devices for over 300 schools.
More than 8,000 different local area network devices were installed during the project, and more than two million meters of cables were laid. The majority of local area networks are managed locally, but the central administration system also allows all school LANs to be administered centrally. With nearly 5,500 Wi-Fi base stations, this makes the network the largest of its kind in Northern Europe.
More about project (in Estonian) : Seitsme aastaga said kiire veebiühenduse ligi 330 kooli (